Filters Help
Minimum and Maximum Current Volume Filters :
Minimum Current Volume
Maximum Current Volume
These filters compare the current volume for today to the average volume for this time of day.
Trade-Ideas reset these values every night at midnight.
These filters use a ratio.
- If you set the Max Current Volume to 1, you will only see symbols which are trading on lower than average volume.
- If you set the Min Current Volume to 1, you will only see symbols which are trading on higher than average volume.
- If you set the Min Current Volume to 2.5, you will only see symbols which are trading on at least two and a half times their normal volume.
- If you set the Max Current Volume to 0.9, you will only see symbols which are trading on less than 90% of their normal volume.
Here is an example :
Its 12:00 , GOOG has a volume of 20 million shares today, and its average volume from 00:00 to 12:00 is 10 million shares.
So the current volume ratio is 2.
This alert will be reported only if you put a minimum value lower or equal to 2, or a maximum value higher or equal to 2.
These filters are not available during the premarket.
So if you put a value in this filter you will not get any alert if the market is sill closed.
I think that if i have to choose among all filters, this is the one i will choose.
Everybody probably tell you how important is volume, and i will tell you the same thing.
Choose higher value for this filter, but not too high.