December 08, 2005
Improvements in my software and new Trade-Ideas screens
Yesterday i was able to test more stocks than i ever did before.
Due to limitation of computer cpu and IB Api (Interactive Brokers) : maximum of 100 tickers to be loaded at the same time. I can't test an infinite number of stocks alerted in trade-ideas.
I made some improvement last week, to make the software faster and yesterday i was able to test more than
7 000 alerts. By test i means check for ask price when the stock is alerted then check for bid price several times (5min,15min,30min,60min,120min and 240min after the stock was alerted).
I am also now begin testing all alerts with different filters settings.
The old filters was :
- Stock Price > 10$
- Stock with spread < 20 cent
- Average $ Daily Volume > 10 000 000$
- Volatile Stock : Volatility > 0.4%
This was the screen number 1.
I am doing now 3 more trade-ideas screens and will add more in future, until the cpu of my computer give up :)
I can change in future filters of these new screens, if some of them don't show good results.
Here is the description of new screens, i will give detailed filters settings as soon as i get first week results.
- Test all alerts for stock who trade near a round price. ex: 20$.
- Test some appropriate alerts for stocks who have a valid consolidation for a long period.
- Test all alerts for stock who gapped up.
After getting some results, i can look at the performance of each alert type for each screen, and can conclude which alert work best with which filters.
And of course provide you these results.
Recent Articles :
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New profitable Trade-Ideas Alert screens
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Mininum Bid and Ask size filters
Other use of Trade-Ideas screens
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Day trading Introduction
Sorting performance by filters values
Two trades i made yesterday using CHBO alert.
Improvements in my software
Day trading systems update comments
New filters added in alert-ideas
Improvements im my software @